Google Cloud Services in Europe 2025
This PAC INNOVATION RADAR evaluates 20 leading IT service providers of Google Cloud services across Europe, France, and Germany. They are assessed on over 50 criteria, including GCP strategies, investments, and specific competencies.

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Eric Beaudet
Senior Analyst
“Public cloud has been one of the fastest growing segments of the IT industry and Google Cloud is gaining market share at the expense of the leaders, AWS and Azure, thanks to its strong capabilities around data and artificial intelligence. As companies continue to look to benefit from the services and scalability the public cloud brings, this PAC RADAR will help them select the right IT service partner and create the most value out of their Google Cloud-related investments.” - Eric Beaudet, Senior Cloud & Infrastructure Consultant, PAC
In this series of PAC INNOVATION RADAR, PAC assesses 20 leading IT service providers delivering Google Cloud services across three different geographies: Europe, France, and Germany. Actors are benchmarked on over 50 criteria ranging from general Google Cloud strategy and investments to more specific competencies such as the number of certified employees and developed intellectual property.

PAC INNOVATION RADAR Google Cloud Services in Europe 2025

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